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voices of experts and opinion makers from Bulgaria, North Macedonia, the V4 region and wider Europe


The Pivotal Role of V4 in the Current Processes of EU Enlargement

Граѓаните нудат можни решенија за подобрување на бугарско-македонските однос

Hybrid Roundtable: “The Future of the European Union and its Enlargement: Does its Cohesion and Global Geopolitical Competitiveness Rely on Its Enlargement?”

Интервју со Игор Пачемски Џонс (with oral histories)

Интервју со Луција Поповска и Јавор Грдев (with oral histories)

Interview with Otto Graf Chargé d'affaires ad interim, German Embassy

Interview with the Swiss ambassador H E Véronique Hulman

Интервју со Мирослав Ризински и Лазар Младенов (with oral histories)

Интервју со Александар Ќосев и Катерина Колозова (on methods on cultural reconciliation through small narratives and oral histories)

Costas Douzinas - The Greek road to Prespa/es: Ideology, Politics, Critique with an Opening Address by Katerina Kolozova titled "A region beyond the EU/nonEU divide"

Spasimir Domaradzki - Poland’s reconciliation efforts – lessons (un)learned

Gábor Egry - Finding a new place in history? The potential role of historical revisionism in reconciling nations

Michal Vit - Reclaiming Identity? Catching up with New Realities in CEE and SEE Europe

Plenary discussion on the topics tackled in the keynote talks

Plenary discussion on the topics tackled in the keynote talks


Talking to Juraj Marusiak on his research in the frames of the "Alliances for EU" project

Talking to Michal Vit on his research in the frames of the "Alliances for EU" project

Talking to Spasimir Domaradzki on his research in the frames of the "Alliances for EU" project

Talking to Gábor Egry on his research in the frames of the "Alliances for EU" project

Talking to Dimitar Vatsov on his research in the frames of the "Alliances for EU" project

Talking to Stefan Detchev on his research in the frames of the "Alliances for EU" project

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